Home Weather Display with Nerves and GrovePi

Last year, when I first discovered you can use Elixir with Nerves Project on a Raspberry Pi, I bought a Raspberry Pi and started playing around with a "hello world" blinky project. I got blinky working and progressed to a traffic light project.

Then I kind of hit a wall trying to learn Serial Peripheral Interface bus (SPI) and I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocols to connect to sensors. I had a really hard time figuring out how to read datasheets to get the protocols to communicate with the sensors. Recently, I discovered the GrovePi+ and it has helped me break through those challenges to start building more interesting projects with my Raspberry Pi.

This post describes a Home Weather Display project to show how easy it is to get started with Nerves and GrovePi. The project reads a digital humidity and temperature (DHT) sensor and updates a RGB LCD display with the data. The project was inspired by this Python project.

Required Hardware

This project requires the following hardware (all Grove hardware, except the case, came with the GrovePi+ Base Kit I purchased to get started):

  • Raspberry Pi + SD card
  • GrovePi+ or GrovePi Zero (I used a GrovePi+, but a GrovePi Zero works as well)
  • GrovePi case (optional)
  • Grove DHT11 Sensor (the blue one)
  • Grove RGB LCD display
  • Grove Connection wires x 2

Hardware Setup

  1. Follow the instructions included with your GrovePi+ to attach your GrovePi+ to your Raspberry Pi.
  2. On the GrovePi+ (or GrovePi Zero), connect a DHT11 to port D7 and a RGB LCD display to the I2C-1 port.

Here is a picture of everything set up on my GrovePi+.

project setup

Initial Project Setup

  1. Install Nerves using these instructions if you don't already have it installed.
  2. Run mix nerves.new home_weather_display in your shell and enter y for fetch and install dependencies?.
  3. Follow the GrovePi application instructions to add it to your deps:
# mix.exs

def deps do
  [{:grovepi, "~> 0.4.0"}]
  1. Run mix deps.get to download the dependencies.

Programming the Home Weather Display

The GrovePi application lets you interact with the GrovePi+ and any connected sensors in Elixir. It will automatically start with your application and initiate a connection to the GrovePi+ board.

You can use GrovePi.Digital (docs) or GrovePi.Analog (docs) to directly interact with sensors. However, we are going to use the GrovePi.DHT (docs) and GrovePi.RGBLCD (docs) modules to more easily communicate with these components.

Polling on the DHT

The GrovePi.DHT module uses the GrovePi.Poller behaviour and allows you to poll (i.e. read at regular intervals) your DHT sensor.

  1. Add the GrovePi.DHT module into your supervision tree in lib/home_weather_display/application.ex. Also include the @dht_pin and the @dht_polling_interval which is an optional argument. The default polling interval is .1 seconds which is more frequent than needed for our project, so we'll use 1_000 ms or 1 second. Adding the GrovePi.DHT module as a worker starts a GenServer for polling on your DHT sensor connected to port D7.
# lib/home_weather_display/application.ex

defmodule HomeWeatherDisplay.Application do
  use Application

  @dht_pin 7 # Use port D7 for the DHT
  @dht_poll_interval 1_000 # poll every 1 second

  def start(_type, _args) do
    import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false

    children = [
      worker(GrovePi.DHT, [@dht_pin, [poll_interval: @dht_poll_interval]]),

    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: HomeWeatherDisplay.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
  1. Create your HomeWeatherDisplay module, a GenServer that will subscribe to the DHT sensor using GrovePi.DHT.subscribe/2 during initialization. Update lib/home_weather_display.ex with the following.
# lib/home_weather_display.ex

defmodule HomeWeatherDisplay do
  use GenServer
  require Logger

  alias GrovePi.{DHT, RGBLCD}

  # Accept the DHT pin as an argument
  def start_link(dht_pin) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, dht_pin)

  def init(dht_pin) do
    # Subscribe to DHT pin when event :changed is triggered
    DHT.subscribe(dht_pin, :changed)
    {:ok, []}

Add HomeWeatherDisplay as a worker in your supervision tree and pass in @dht_pin as an argument.

# lib/home_weather_display/application.ex

children = [
  worker(GrovePi.DHT, [@dht_pin, [poll_interval: @dht_poll_interval]]),
  # Add HomeWeatherDisplay to supervision tree
  worker(HomeWeatherDisplay, [@dht_pin]),
  1. There is only one type of event for the GrovePi.DHT by default; :changed. The GrovePi.DHT will poll every second but an event is only triggered when the value of either temperature or humidity changes. When an event is triggered, GrovePi.DHT will send a message to all subscribed processes in the form of {pin, :changed, %{temp: 11.3, humidity: 45.5}.

You can use GenServer.handle_info/2 to receive the Grovepi.DHT message.

# lib/home_weather_display.ex

def handle_info({_pin, :changed, %{temp: temp, humidity: humidity}}, state) do
  text = format_text(temp, humidity)
  Logger.info text
  {:noreply, state}

def handle_info(_message, state) do
  # handle any unexpected messages
  {:noreply, state}

defp format_text(temp, humidity) do
  "T: #{Float.to_string(temp)}C H: #{Float.to_string(humidity)}%"

When handle_info/2 receives the :changed message, it takes the temp and humidity data and formats it to a string. Right now we are just logging the data, so lets add code to update the RGB LCD Display.

Updating the RGB LCD Display

  1. We want an indicator when the numbers are changing so we'll create a function flash_rgb/0 using GrovePi.RGBLCD.set_rgb/3 in the HomeWeatherDisplay module. You can write directly to the RGB LCD display without starting it in a supervision tree. It also currently always uses the I2C-1 Port, so that doesn't need to be configured.
# lib/home_weather_display.ex

defp flash_rgb() do
  RGBLCD.set_rgb(0, 128, 64)
  RGBLCD.set_rgb(0, 255, 0)
  1. In HomeWeatherDisplay.init/1 when our GenServer is starting up, let's flash the display and use GrovePi.RGBLCD.set_text/1 to say it's ready.
# lib/home_weather_display.ex

def init(dht_pin) do
  # Add flash and initial display message

  DHT.subscribe(dht_pin, :changed)
  {:ok, []}
  1. Now update the RGB LCD Display to show new data when the :changed event is received in HomeWeatherDisplay.handle_info/2.
# lib/home_weather_display.ex

def handle_info({_pin, :changed, %{temp: temp, humidity: humidity}}, state) do
  text = format_text(temp, humidity)

  # Add indicator of update

  # Update LCD with new data

  Logger.info text
  {:noreply, state}

Now when we receive updated data, the display will flash and show the new data. That's it for the application, now you just need to burn your SD card and try it out!

Burn to SD Card

  1. export NERVES_TARGET=my_target or prefix every command with NERVES_TARGET=my_target, Example: NERVES_TARGET=rpi3
  2. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  3. Create firmware with mix firmware
  4. Burn to an SD card with mix firmware.burn

Run the Program

  1. Insert the SD card in your Raspberry Pi
  2. Check the DHT is connected to Port D7 and the RGB LCD Display is connected to I2C-1.
  3. Power on your Raspberry Pi
  4. After your app boots, your RGB LCD Display should say "Ready!" and then begin showing temperature and humidity updates.

home weather display display


I hope others will see how fun and easy it is to use GrovePi and Elixir to communicate with sensors connected to your Raspberry Pi. The cool thing is once I got momentum building projects with different sensors, it motivated me to go back and learn how to read datasheets to understand how communcation is happening between my hardware. Good luck and have fun programming Elixir on your hardware!

The source code for the Home Weather Display can be found here. You can also check out the LED Fade and Alarm GrovePi example projects in the GrovePi GitHub repo. In addition, I've created a Home Detection project using the sound sensor, the RGB LCD Display and an LED. All of these projects use components from the GrovePi+ Base Kit.